Mi bwysaf ar ei air

(Gair yr Addewid)
  Mi bwysaf ar ei air,
    A deued oll yn groes,
  Fy noddfa unig yw
    Tan eithaf tywyll nos;
Fe wawria'r dydd, pob tro îs nen,
Ddaw âg addewid nef i ben.

  Ar ei addewid Ef,
    Sy fwy na geiriau dyn,
  Er holl gymylau'r nef,
    Gorphwysaf fi fy hun;
Fe'm deil i'r làn, a doed a ddêl,
A ddaeth o'i enau sydd dan sêl.

  Y gair melysa' erioed,
    Y cryfaf air ei rym,
  Mi a'i hail adroddaf ef,
    Fod Duw yn Briod im':
Mae hyfryd swn a sylwedd hwn,
Yn tynu ffwrdd fy maich a mhwn.

  Ar fyr mi fyddaf iach,
    Ni chaf i glywed mwy
  Llais y gorthrymwyr câs,
    Eu gwawd, na'u dirmyg hwy;
'Does swn na chri o fewn y wlad
Lle wae fy Mhriod a fy Nhad.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 666688]

  Fy noddfa gadarn gref
  Mae'm siwrnai yn y blaen

(The Word of Promise)
  I lean on his word,
    And let all come as a cross,
  My only refuge he is
    Until the extreme darkness of the night;
The day shall dawn, every turn under the sky,
The promise of heaven shall be fulfilled.

  On His promise,
    Which is greater than the words of man,
  Despite all the clouds of heaven,
    I myself will rest;
It will hold me up, come what may,
Which came form his mouth under a seal.

  The sweetest word ever,
    The word of strongest force,
  I will report it again,
    That God is a Spouse to me:
The delightful sound which this denotes is
Taking away my burden and my load.

  Shortly I shall be whole,
    I shall not get to hear any more
  The voice of the hated oppressors,
    Their score, nor their derision;
There is no sound or cry within the land
Where my Spouse and my Father are.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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